- 清空播放記錄
- 0o0小腰女0oo:喪父失母的痛消解在賽馬皮特給予的溫暖,他喃喃自語他微笑他沐浴金色暖陽。片名lean on pete直譯更能代表故事的主旨。電影在男孩與馬的互動中轉為馬死去后急轉直下的境遇,最后回歸親情留下唯一的亮色,也完成男孩成長的心路歷程。故事的細膩度和男孩的表演都很棒。
- 幽之右腦夢:可能是習慣希區(qū)柯克懸疑推理的電影,他這么拍一部不是他風格的還不習慣。不過拋開這些不說,我覺得還是算中規(guī)中矩的吧。不過英格麗褒曼 漂亮。
- 單車_:搞笑樂觀的孩童探險記。毛利小胖子跳舞跳的真不錯誒?!癢e didn't chose the skux life. The skux life chose us"=P
- 懷舊櫻桃:鐵漢的柔情,有的時候真是又可愛又可笑。。
- 七斤: bit slow at the beginning then transfers to this double-ended detective thriller. Definitely get confused/amazed with the dynamic between the characters. Reminds me of"Adaptation". The film says more about art as a medium than Neruda himself. Doesn't need to be this long.