- 光芒圣騎士:那首歌很好聽。早期看的這些香港電影構成了我對香港最初的印象。
- 開開心心沒腦袋:“I wonder what happens next to me. It's weird, isn't it -- the way we think about our lives? What's the next? What happens next? Always moving forward. I wonder if things would make more sense if you looked at everything in reverse, started at the end and move backwards and try to figure out how you got there. ”
- 小王子的過客:港版《雨中曲》。同樣捧紅了一首歌。
- 一起看月亮吧:在這部劇里看到很多自己,很溫情很真實,會一直追下去!
- 烏爾詹:年代真好啊,這么諷刺的作品都能過審,現(xiàn)在呢,連說話都到處都是口口口口