- 清空播放記錄
- 陽光開朗小女生:第三集的女人可以說是戀愛腦的最高境界了。
- 焦糖拿鐵O:小學(xué)的時候不知道看了多少遍,真的百看不厭,完全不會覺得無聊,劇情不管是大人還是小孩都會覺得非常吸引人,皮克斯動畫的魅力就在于能給孩子帶來歡笑,能讓大人淚流滿面。
- 糕團(tuán)團(tuán): them fellas that used to belittle me, not a single one of them were curious. They thought they had everything all figured out. So they judged everything, and they judged everyone. And I realized that their underestimating me who I was had nothing to do with it. Cause if they were curious, they would've asked questions. Questions like,"Have you
- 腹肌僅三天可見:風(fēng)之谷是人類未經(jīng)污染的精神家園。自然萬物有自洽的循環(huán),萬物不仁有靈,摧毀人類的上古怪獸“猛怪”實際上是吸收毒素的神樹,人類卻要趕盡殺絕。
- 鹽湖:又是一個完美的西西弗斯式人物