- 清空播放記錄
- 云彩上的風:斯科特加昆丁還能說啥呢?
- 超白目的李子維:連續(xù)看了11個小時一口氣把第一季看完了,前5集很不錯,最后幾集好爛。。
- 吉人自遠方來: im guessing it was the unsuccessfully-landed reporter role
which supposed to replace River for him ended with this Christian Slater...the leading man of this i watched basically for Brad.. ahhhhhh its all comin tgt....so does that mean he knew leo enough back at that time to even WANT to work with him!! TT if the uni - 東洋之花:沖著樸敘俊才刷的。故事基本忠實于臺灣原版,但嚴正花實在實在太老了。。。樸敘俊也是蠻拼的??
- 奇妙能力歌:劇情在以前看真的會很romance,而且充滿喜劇氣息,但是放在現(xiàn)在看感覺就像爛劇,敷衍,破罐破摔的感覺。